Heo Yeong-Ja (허영자)

“Gasoline” by Heo Yeong-Ja

I want to bea woman like gasoline.Have a light soulto avoid feeling rainbows,both warm and dangerous,a combustible chest–pure volatility, full-aged,leaving no residueof regret or grudges.I want to bea woman like gasoline. 휘발유 같은여자이고 싶다무게를 느끼지 않게가벼운 영혼뜨겁고도 위험한가연성(可燃性)의 가슴한 올 찌꺼기 남지 않는순연한 휘발정년 그런액체 같은여자이고 싶다. The original poem appeared in the fall 2011 issue…

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