“Fixing Sigma to Fireflies’ Light” by Kim Yeong-Nam

Kim Yeong-Nam (image source)

Ah, so someone who flickers is a difficulty!

Like a math formula

come to an unfamiliar place to solve your mathematical series,

the functional relationship between your numbers is written in the air.

As I lay stepping stones neatly along the boundary,

the chirping of crickets weighs on the moon, making it converge with the horizon.

There! There is the nation you rule.

Its laws and borders are peaceful.

But just how far will its infinite emission of peace reach?

And what about that person fixing sigma to stars?

Since thoughts are born slowly, they’re set to shaking.

As space flickers, too, to be easily understood,

love’s untangling and explanation are also found anew.

깜박깜박하는 자, 난해하구나


낯선 곳에 와서 풀고 있는 그대의 수열

함수관계가 허공에 쓰인다

또박또박 징검다리 놓으며 극한에 닿으니

풀벌레 울음도 달빛에 눌려 지평선으로 수렴한다

거기, 그대가 다스리는 국가가 있고

나라의 법과 변방도 평화롭구나

그래, 이런 평화의 무한대 발산이란 어디까지를 포함해야 하느냐

지금 저 별들에 시그마를 붙이고 있는 자는?

생각 띄엄띄엄 낳아 진동하게 하니

허공도 난해하지 않게 깜박이는구나

사랑의 해(解)도 새롭게 구해지는구나

“Fixing Sigma to Fireflies’ Light” (반딧불이에 시그마 붙이며) originally appeared in Daum – 70 Representative Korean Poets.

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